Monday, April 20, 2009

Student Paper Contest

A chance to win prize money for your design reports.

Send any submissions to by May 8.


PKI-IEEE End of year Banquet

New Officers
Outstanding Professor Award
PKI-CEEN Senior Thesis Open House Winners
Design Competition Participants

When: Friday, May 1st 6:30PM
Where: PKI Atrium
RSVP by April 24th to save $5
IEEE members: Free w/ RSVP $5 at the event
Everyone else: $5  w/ RSVP $10 at the event

Dinner: Qdoba Burrito and Taco Bar, soft drinks

Send RSVP to

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Using the Anemometer

We are using the Vortex wind sensor from inspeed. This device has two wires and closes the connection once per rotation.

The best way I can think of to use this sensor is to power one wire and read the other wire for pulses. Use any digital pin to read the sensor other then 0 and 1 (rx and tx) because that will keep you from using the usb port.

For counting the pulses I would suggest a hardware interrupt. Anytime the port is triggered it will execute some code you choose. You can keep a counter running and use the time in between pulses to calculate the speed.

This arduino gas meter project uses a similar method.

  1. void setup() {
  2. Serial.begin(9600);
  3. attachInterrupt(0, check, CHANGE); // attach an interrupt (interrupt 0 = digital pin 2)
  4. }

  5. void loop() {
  6. }

  7. void check() {
  8. /*
  9. stop timer
  10. start timer
  11. calculate and output speed
  12. */
  13. }
ill try and get the timer code implemented and tested later

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

E-Week and Lincoln Chapter Banquet

E-Week Senior Design poster competition at UNL.
Come down and support the seniors as they demonstrate their projects.

The senior design segment of the Open House will be Friday, April 24, from 12 to 3 p.m., in the Othmer Hall lobby. Alumni and industry judges will evaluate each project and prizes will be awarded for top displays from each department based on outlined criteria. The general public is encouraged to vote for "Best of Show" by completing a ballot.

The Lincoln Chapter Banquet is online and ready for reservations. 
This is held on Friday at the end of the E-Week after Senior Design projects are showcased. The RSVP date is April 17th.


Using the Humidity and Temperature Sensor

The sensor is part number HUMTEMPSENS from The datasheet lists the part number as hht02d and provides a good pinout diagram. At first glance the interface is not very simple and I could not find any arduino code for it.

Lukily it uses the same interface as the popular SHTXX sensors. This example provides code that works well and spits out the humidity and temperture to the serial port after you send it 'h' or 't'. Quick hint: the arduino IDE provides a serial monitor so you don't have to mess around with Hyperterminal. It is the far right button next to the 'upload to I/O board' button.

The sensor doesnt appear to be the most accurate, it claims pki 340 was 79 degrees.

Using the PIR module

The pir module is part number PIR_MODULE from
This module is really simple to use. Power, Gnd, and TTL output pin you can connect up to one of the arduino digital input pins.

Here is some really simple code that dumps 0 (no activity) or 1 (activity) to the serial port.

int inputPin = 2; // choose the input pin (for the PIR)
void setup(){
pinMode(inputPin, INPUT); // declare pir as input
void loop(){

Once the sensor is tripped it keeps the output high for ~5 seconds and wont trip right away again. This behavior can be adjusted with the small pot on the side of the sensor.

Using the RFID reader

We are using the ID-12 rfid reader from sparkfun. When a card is read it just spits out the ID serially on a pin. The atmega168 only has one USART and it is already hooked up to the USB port. You will need to use a software uart to read the ID-12.

Here are some useful links.

Arduino quick start guide

This guide is pretty simple. Here is some more info.
  1. We are using a Seeduino, it is a Diecimila clone.
  2. flip the switch labeled ext_pwr_usb to the usb powered setting
  3. let windows find the drivers on the net, you'll have to click through two sets of prompts
  4. download and extract the arduino IDE.
  5. follow the guide for uploading an example program
I'm still experimenting with programing it in C. hopefully i'll get some of those directions up as well.